Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Work Record- Shoot 10

In todays lesson I did a location shoot of graffiti to show colour. However when photographing graffiti you have to make it your own, for example you have to include a person or part of the background to make it look different, therefore I couldn't take close up photographs. However I found that included a person made the photographs look a lot more unique & i much preferred them. 
If I was to do this shoot again I would focus more on including people into my photographs & even have random people just walking by as it will make my photographs look more natural as I like natural feeling photographs.

In this photograph I used a model to make the photograph my own. I had the model wear a tracksuit as it fitted with the scene but also as it is plain grey it made the vibrant graffiti stand out more. 
If I was to take this photograph again I would think about the composition more as there is a lot of head space however I found it hard to decrease the amount as it didn't allow me to include all of the painted face. 

This photograph shows colour throughout he use of graffiti. I have edited the photograph to make the space around the graffitied wall black and white, I did this to draw the attention tot he colour of the graffiti. 
If I was to take this photograph again I would include more of the background/path as I feel it would have made the selective colour technique more effective. 


My inspiration for this shoot came from my very first shoot that I did of selective colour in London as I liked the urban street feeling that that photographs created and I also really like street photograph, therefore I started looking into graffiti photography & found the photographer Dez Santana. I really liked his work & wanted to do something similar myself. 

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